Florida requires counties to ban “camping” in areas that are not specifically designated for camping. Volusia has become the latest county to do so. The city of Orlando has arrested 25 people for this so far, which tells me that the law is going largely unenforced. I can drive through downtown Orlando and find 25 people violating this law in less than an hour.
The left hates it, complaining about how cruel it is:
While the ordinance cites the importance of protecting the “health, safety, welfare, quality of life, and aesthetics” of communities, per the state law, it makes no mention of any obligation to assist individuals or connect them to resources before applying enforcement measures.
Note that what the bleeding hearts fail to mention is that, while there is nothing in the law requiring that local governments assist these bums, there is also nothing in the law that prohibits helping them, either. It’s almost as if the left won’t do anything unless the law tells them to.
Still, I don’t care. I have a lot of experience dealing with the “unhoused” people that the left loves so much. They aren’t average people who fell on hard times. Overwhelmingly, these people have two problems:
- Mental health issues
- Drug addiction
We got rid of the mental hospitals, so now they live on the street. Bring back mental institutions and the problem is largely solved.
You will note that the homeless population DOESN’T include illegal immigrants. They are staying downtown at the Ritz.