They Are Bums, not Unhoused

Florida requires counties to ban “camping” in areas that are not specifically designated for camping. Volusia has become the latest county to do so. The city of Orlando has arrested 25 people for this so far, which tells me that the law is going largely unenforced. I can drive through downtown Orlando and find 25 people violating this law in less than an hour.

The left hates it, complaining about how cruel it is:

While the ordinance cites the importance of protecting the “health, safety, welfare, quality of life, and aesthetics” of communities, per the state law, it makes no mention of any obligation to assist individuals or connect them to resources before applying enforcement measures.

Note that what the bleeding hearts fail to mention is that, while there is nothing in the law requiring that local governments assist these bums, there is also nothing in the law that prohibits helping them, either. It’s almost as if the left won’t do anything unless the law tells them to.

Still, I don’t care. I have a lot of experience dealing with the “unhoused” people that the left loves so much. They aren’t average people who fell on hard times. Overwhelmingly, these people have two problems:

  • Mental health issues
  • Drug addiction

We got rid of the mental hospitals, so now they live on the street. Bring back mental institutions and the problem is largely solved.

You will note that the homeless population DOESN’T include illegal immigrants. They are staying downtown at the Ritz.


Here is what the left has to say about Europe, Russia, and Ukraine:

1. Europe Calls Putin’s Bluff

  • Macron and Scholz, backed by Poland, the Baltics, and Finland, make a historic decision: “Withdraw from Ukraine or we’re moving in.”
  • European forces begin massing in Poland, Finland, the Baltics, and Romania—fully armed, fully mobilized.
  • Putin shits his pants. But, of course, he threatens nukes, because that’s the only card he has left.
  • Europe responds: “Our nukes are locked and loaded, motherfucker.”
  • France and the UK together have around 500+ modern nuclear warheads, and their delivery systems outmatch Russia’s aging Soviet-era bullshit.
  • Reality check: Russia’s nukes? Aging, unstable, and probably not even fully functional. Meanwhile, Europe’s nukes are modern, precise, and READY.
  • Before Russia could even launch a full-scale attack, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and every major Russian military hub could be vaporized.

2. Putin Realizes He’s Cornered

  • Unlike dealing with the U.S., Putin suddenly faces an enemy that doesn’t give a fuck about “red lines.”
  • He tries to call China. China says: “Nah, we’re good.”
  • He turns to his generals. Some of them start looking for an escape plan.

3. What Happens in the U.S.?

  • MAGA Still Thinks It’s a ‘Liberal Hoax’
  • MAGA will believe whatever Trump tells them, and Trump will say: “Europe is acting reckless. We need to stay out of this. Russia’s not our problem.”
  • Fox News and right-wing media will blame Europe and call it a “deep state” NATO conspiracy.
  • Some MAGA morons will actually cheer for Putin.
  • The Military and Security Establishment Lose Their Shit
  • The Pentagon, CIA, and U.S. Generals will PANIC.
  • Because if Europe goes in and wins, it proves that they never needed the U.S. in the first place.
  • Europe goes in and nukes start flying
  • The U.S. gets dragged into WWIII no matter what Trump says.
  • Wall Street and the Economy Freak the Fuck Out
  • Markets CRASH.
  • Oil prices SKYROCKET.
  • The dollar tanks because nobody trusts the U.S. anymore.
  • Europe starts looking at China for financial stability.
  • The American Public Finally Wakes Up
  • Millions of Americans will realize that their country has become a joke on the global stage.
  • Anti-Trump protests erupt.
  • Independents and moderates start turning against him, realizing they’ve been gaslit by his “America First” bullshit.

So that is what the leftists who are analyzing this think is going to happen- they believe that Russian nuclear weapons are not going to work, and that Europe is going to win any nuclear war that happens, and once it is over, the US military and US people will turn on Trump and depose him. They are delusional.

Court Jurisdiction

Judges in random districts all over the United States keep issuing orders telling the President of the United States what he can and cannot do. I just don’t see how a district court judge can issue an order that binds the entire nation. If the 9th DCA issues an opinion, it is effective only in the 9th district.

The basis of judicial power is laid out in Article III of the US Constitution. The case of Marbury v. Madison also did a good job of laying this out.

I just can’t see how the lowest court in the land can issue an order that outweighs the head of the executive branch. That makes the entire executive subordinate to even the most junior member of the judiciary. That is certainly not a coequal branch.

Double Standards

I have been told ad nauseum how the Second Amendment only applies to muskets, because that is what existed when the Amendment was written.

Now I want one of those faggot pedophiles to explain to me how a judge can order a government webpage promoting faggotry be put back up. What part of the constitution says anything about queers or webpages?

If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.

Working On It

I continue to work on my issue. I have until the end of April, which is when the medications run out. I have received no fewer than 50 emails on the subject, and they are therefore too numerous to answer individually because of my work schedule. I thank each and every one of you who have emailed, messaged, and posted comments.

There has been a major breakthrough, and it appears as though I have solved the problem by getting rid of the insurance company that caused the problem in the first place. I will know more in the next few days. More to follow.

All Show, No Go

Check out this Trantifa warrior. LOL

No spare magazines. I guess the plate carrier is too heavy if there is actually a plate in it. The little plastic condom is still on the charging handle. My guess is that the only equipment that this thing uses on a regular basis is the megaphone and the radio.